Windows Problem Solving

Most important

Also worth a try

Backing-up and transferring your data

To back-up your game settings, player statistics and in-progress games, copy the contents of C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\CrossCraze.

Specific problems

Why does my mouse pointer disappear?
You need to disable the 'pointer trails' effect on your mouse as this causes problems with full screen programs. Open the Windows Control Panel, select 'View by : Large icons', click the 'Mouse' icon, switch to the 'Pointer Options' tab and uncheck 'Display pointer trails'.
Why can't I run CrossCraze versions 1 or 2?
Unfortunately, Windows 8 and later no longer supports the graphics mode required by older versions of CrossCraze. Please upgrade to the latest version instead.

Still stuck?

If you're still stuck, please email us, giving as much detail as possible.